Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mind Maps

Mind Maps

Mind map - A diagram which presents information in usually a colourful, attractive and creative way.

Mind maps are important as it is a very effective way of creatively presenting information which is easy to understand and is attractive to look at.


My Mind Map:

I got given the task to create a mind map about fun a learning within a nursery and what the nursery could do to complete this brief and advertise it. I have used different bright colours which link to each subject to not only catch someone's eye but make it more interesting. It also implies the creative and fun that the mind map is supposed to be about.

In my opinion, mind maps are a useful way of presenting information as it isn't just basic but easy to understand. They are also a more fun and creative way of presenting information, especially if you use colours and diagrams etc. You can fit all your important information in to smaller parts in a creative way. However, a negative of mind maps is that they are time consuming and should look neat and colourful in order to catch someone's eye and keep their attention. In conclusion, i think mind maps are useful as you can present your information and ideas in a creative way. They are especially useful if you have time, like to be creative and have decent drawing skills.

Hazard Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Hazard - Something that can cause danger and is a risk to health.

Classroom hazards may include:
Computers/ Electrical
Broken furniture
Sitting down for too long
Wet floors

Image result for risk assessment

Location Recce - Carried out before recording a video to test the suitability of the location.
They check:
- Sustainability
-Potential problems
- Access to site
-Facilities available
-Potential light or sound issues
-Permission required

See the source image
My Risk Assessment Example:


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Visualisation Diagrams

Image result for visualisation diagramsVisualisation Diagrams
A visualisation is a drawing created either by hand or digitally showing what an item would look like/work when created. They are used to plan for still images or products and can be a rough sketch or a detailed final design. Visualisation diagrams are used to plan for things like costumes, logos, posters, cars or web-page designs. Most jobs that require a product use visualisation diagrams, ranging from movies to gardeners. The use them for similar yet different things, for example the movie Shrek used a digital visualisation to create his character and a gardening company (picture in the top right) to design a garden.

My Visualisation

Photoshop Version

In my opinion, both types of evaluations are useful. This is because the hand drawn one is very basic and very quick to make but also can have a lot of detail, furthermore, it provides major help for the digital version of the visualisation as the person making the digital version knows where to place the features and has a basic idea of what to do. The digital version provides a more realistic visualisation as the hand drawn one is less detailed than the digital one, for example the digital one has drop shadows and outlines, whilst the hand drawn one is just a basic outline. Additionally, both visualisations are easier to do however the digital version is more appealing as it is more realistic, also, for people who aren't good at drawing, like me, the digital version is better to do as it will look a lot better than a hand drawn one. I found both processes quite simple and easy but I preferred the digital one due to the fact its easier for me as I'm not great at drawing so it will be more appealing. I could have made the actual banner without the visualisation however, having a go with visualisation will help me in the future because workplaces expect a visualisation of your ideas before a final product.


Image result for demographicDemographics
A demographic is what major companies use to target their audiences for their products and adverts etc. This image shows some of the major sections for demographics that companies, such as Pepsi, may use to market their products and select a target audience.For example, Pepsi use a demographic to see what audience they need to target, one fact they learn from their demographics is that their main consumers are under the age of 24 meaning this is the audience they should target. Demographics are one of the most useful items for major companies as they can make them huge amounts of profit.
Click here to learn more.

Image result for psychographicsPsychographics
Image result for uses and gratificationsPsychographics are very similar to demographics, both find out information about consumers and audiences and help companies pick their target audiences. However, demographics look at things like age, sex and income; psychographics look at what people's hobbies and interests are. For example, Pepsi's psychographic shows them that their main consumers personalities are easygoing/determined/ambitious. This shows Pepsi that they have to implement this in to their adverts to make them more profit as it will attract their audience and make the adverts slightly relatable to the audience.

Uses and Gratifications
Including unique characters and settings that appeal to the audience. For example, characters like Jason Voorhees and unique and easily known for killing, being violent and scary. Therefore, the viewers can get enjoyment for watching these characters as they can understand them as the film progresses that make the film popular and enjoyable.

It is important to market films to sell them and engage them to new fans and audiences. For example, many company's use social media to promote films by creating posters, websites and TV adverts that also feature on platforms such as YouTube. This creates a "buzz" for the film meaning it gets the most viewers as possible to make it successful.

In conclusion, I believe that audiences are important for companies to categories their products when they create new ones and bring new products out. This is because companies can use small things and certain features to attract certain demographics. For example, Disney makes their movies child friendly, no blood etc., because that is their target audience.


Image result for wireframeWireframes
Wireframes are a way to create the basic design of a website as shown in the picture to the right. They are mainly used to create the basic structure of websites, where the content or menu bar is etc. They are also used to lay out the functionality of a page based on user needs and user journeys. They are used very early in the design of the website so that the designers can decide whether that layout is the best option or not. Click here for more information.

Wireframe:                                                              Actual page:
Image result for wireframe for youtubeImage result for youtube home page

My Wireframe Example:

Overall, in my opinion wireframes are very useful as it sets a guideline and sets a basic design for the designers of a website. It is an easy way for people to express how they want to see their website to look. They are very easy and basic to create as they don't require much skill or much time.


Scripts are the written text for a film, show, broadcast or show. Scripts inform the actors who read the script of what to say and how to act once they are on stage or recording. As shown in the example script to the right.

Key Features:
- It needs to be effective when read out loud
- Needs to consist of dialogue, stage directions and instructions to the actors and directors
- Specify the scene and setting and which character is speaking

My Example of a Script:
Mum: (Sharply) - I don't know why you had to take so long,
 I waited half an hour
Naomi: (sighing) - They didn't have my size on the shelf,
 and the woman took ages searching in the stock room
Mum:We wouldn't have got stuck in all this traffic if you'd just made your mind up quicker.
We won't be eating tea until late at this rate. Today of all days!
What's wrong with the mobile phone i spent a fortune on?
You could have called me. I wouldn't have rushed away from work if you'd called
Naomi: I forgot to charge it, the battery's dead.
Mum: (angrily) - More like you wasted it playing stupid games!
Naomi: (quietly) - Sorry
Mum: (sarcastically) - Oh that's just brilliant. No lights on.
It must be a power cut. How am i going to cook with no electricity?
Naomi: Maybe we can have a sandwich. I'll make it if you like.
Mum: (sharply) Ssh! Did you hear that?
Naomi: What?
Mum:(whispering) Stop it, you're freaking me out. 
You know I've always thought this house was haunted. 
I'm sure I heard something in the living room.
Pass me the brolly, I'm going to have a look.
(Tiptoes to the door)
Friends: Surprise!
Naomi: (Cheerfully) - Happy birthday Mum! 
Sorry about the trick but I had to keep you out of the house 'til everyone got here!

In conclusion, I think that scripts are useful as they are a good way of telling actors what they have to do, what they have to say and how they should do it/say it. It's a simple and organised way of having a story-line to follow. It is also a way to explain and develop the characters as the play goes on.


Image result for storyboard examplesStoryboards
A storyboard is a graphic organizer used to help to film movies, short-films, videos etc. Many film writers use storyboards to create a basic outline for the director to follow  and film. It gives the director an idea of what will be in the shot, what is happening in the shot, camera instructions and sometimes include parts of the script. Storyboards are usually in rectangular or square shapes and show a scene per box. The film doesn't have to follow the exact order that the storyboard is in or the exact instructions, however it provides a basic structure and idea for the film makers.

Storyboards have many different features, including: number of scenes, camera shots, camera movements, timings, lighting, sounds and locations.
For example, the example on the right hand side of the screen has most of these features. The camera movements are labelled on the storyboard with arrows in the shots, camera shots are also shown with arrows on the storyboard but have the shot type labelled inside the arrow and there are also some noises labelled on this example storyboard, for example, in the sixth shot it has 'BAM' written in capitals signalling that the scene should convey this idea.

Hand-drawn Storyboard

Digital Storyboard

In my opinion, the digital version is my preferred version as it is easier to understand and provides a better looking more detailed approach to the storyboard. It is also better for me because my drawing skills aren't great so it is better for me to make a digital version as it will be better for other people to understand. The hand drawn version can be better as it can be quicker to make than the digital version in some cases and can provide an outline for the digital one.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Mood-board using Photoshop

Horror Film Mood-Board in Photoshop
Looks professional.
Much more tools to use.
Can stack and layer images.
Can make it more creative.

More complicated.
Can take a while to learn.

I think that Photoshop is better to use, than word, when creating a mood-board because it makes your work look more professional and creative. Additionally, Photoshop lets you use a lot more tools, for example: magic wand tool which is used to remove backgrounds from images or remove certain objects of the same colour. Additionally, the multiple image transformation tools, e.g. scaled, rotation and distortion, allows you to layer and overlap the images in an appealing way. Also, Photoshop  has a bunch of effects that you can                                                                               place  on your images, such as drop shadow. 
However, Photoshop takes a lot more skill and takes some time to learn how to use it properly; meaning word is better for beginners or basic collages that don't need any effects. In conclusion, Photoshop is a much better platform to produce mood-boards and/or over products as it has many more options to edit photos and the end product i a lot more appealing to the eye.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mood Board Using Word

This is a mood board that I created to showcase my personal information such as likes and dislikes. This is useful for advertisers because its a visual psycho-graphic that they can learn about their audience from. This then means that they know how to advertise their products to their specific audience, as they learned their likes and dislikes.

Disadvantages of using word: 
  • Looks very basic.
  • Can't edit images, e.g. remove background.
  • Hard to cover blank space.
  • Looks stocky.
  • Can't stack images effectively.
Advantages of using word:
  • Easy to use as I use word on a regular for school projects and homework.
  • Straightforward and simple.
  • Accepts most (if not all) image files. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Self Assessment

What is a blog?
A blog is a website created on the internet were people can discuss certain subjects and topics that they are interested in or to get updated on the topics; such as technology sports etc. Posts on a blog are updated and displayed in reverse chronological order so that people get updated with the newest information. An example of a good blog is:

Why did I make my blog?
I created my blog as part of a school project in my media studies class where we are learning how to create an organised/appealing blog. We will use these blogs to post and update our work on the project.

My feedback
Most of my feedback was mainly positive: complimenting my background, saying that is was colourful and eye catching and added extra detail to the blog. Additionally, they said that the use of colours on the website was picked well and they all flowed together to make the website more pleasant to the eye. Lastly, i got told that the website was well organised and looked professional.
My only negative feedback was that the side bar was transparent and it was hard to see all the options on it, such as archive, which could confuse a viewer of the site. I have already acted o  the negative feedback and chose a colour that i think flows well with the rest of the site.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Experimentation with Blogger

Hello i am experimenting with Blogger
Image result for lukaku
I added this image by saving it to my computer from the internet. I then pressed insert image and placed it in.
I added the video by going on YouTube and acquiring the embed code from the share option and pasting it in on he HTML section.

I added this PowerPoint by uploading it to google drive. I then opened it in google slides and pressed publish to web. I then got the embed code and put it in the html section of this post.

Mind Maps

Mind Maps Mind map - A diagram which presents information in usually a colourful, attractive and creative way. Mind maps are impor...